How to market your music and make money

As any musician knows every year, month, day, or even hour, there are always changes that occur in the music industry. Finding a way to properly get yourself noticed is no exception. Marketing music in today’s day and age is a little easier than for the music artistes of previous years. For one there is the option of online media to assist them in getting the word out about their shows and projects.

Historically, musicians could follow a trusted and popular route to the top of the charts. This would usually involve identifying and signing with a viable label, before recording new material and touring to promote this.

While this has proved to be successful throughout the generations, the digital revolution has changed the landscape for musicians. Alongside the proliferation of listening platforms and streaming services, it is now easier than ever for artists to market their output independently and to a wider, global audience.

Brand new Marketing Techniques for Musicians

This change has been highlighted by a recent case study, which revealed that global music sales dropped by 53% between 1999 and 2013. This represents a drop from $14.6 billion to around $7 million, while streaming has risen at an exponential rate in recent times. With iTunes being joined by new market players such as Spotify, streaming has soared by 52% between 2013 and 2014 and is likely to rise further in the next five years.With this in mind, what are the key marketing techniques that can afford musicians exposure and inflated profit margins in the digital age?

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There is not a single musician that is not using Facebook, myspace or even some of the other social media sites such as Music Gorilla. And the fact that viral is the way to go, especially if you are looking for a music deal, by getting out there and letting others know about you are bound to eventually get some executives attention.

At the very least, learning how to participate in social media will give artists a chance to take advantage of new online tools, which may actually enhance their current projects. Singles, videos and tour dates can be released via new outlets, fans (new and old) will have a new method of communication with artists, and artists will have a new set of tools by which to market their craft. In the face of both an unstable music economy and the evolution of the new music economy.

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However, there are some elements to marketing your music effectively, especially if you are going to use online media. For many they don’t consider themselves to be a company. However, that is just what you are a company that is engaged in the business of music. And the music business is one of the most if the most cut throat businesses out there. So you need to ensure that you have your stuff together.

As a struggling independent musician in a highly competitive over-crowded market it should be left unsaid that you need to stand out from the crowd.  There are many ways to do this.  There is music publicity, radio promotion, extensive tour presence, and the almighty music marketing and music promotion.  You need to get your message out there –period.

Getting your music marketing message out there is one thing but getting the right message out there is another.  Your professional image as an independent artist is of the utmost importance in order to rise above the sea of competition.  Most independent bands and independent artists have some sort of a music press kit or music promotion kit that they use for promotional purposes.

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